Self-Help & Quick Mindset Shifts to Make Your Day Better

Could I have ADHD?

Could I have ADHD?

Today I am sharing with you a more formal study I wrote on ADHD symptoms and how they differ in adults vs children, which is why it can be hard to recognise in adults. Patterns of behaviour in children with ADHD are qualitatively different from adults diagnosed with...

How to be assertive without coming across aggressive?

How to be assertive without coming across aggressive?

Assertiveness is a clear way to voice your wants and needs. It shows con!dence. It makes others respect your boundaries. It basically keeps you from being a push-over. But when we confuse it with aggression, all hell breaks loose. Mixing aggression and assertiveness...

How do I mentally deal with unemployment?

How do I mentally deal with unemployment?

Post-COVID world is facing a lot of changes, and unemployment rates are on the rise. Experiencing unemployment can be a challenging and emotionally taxing situation, and it can sometimes contribute to a victim mentality. Here are a few reasons why your unemployed...

Am I stuck in victim mentality?

Am I stuck in victim mentality?

Feeling like a failure? Like nothing is going your way? Is it a reasonable response to having been a lazy coach potato for days or the Universe signalling to you that you are on a wrong path? Or is it that you have forgotten on the pitch black glasses of victimhood...

Why meditation doesn’t work for me

Why meditation doesn’t work for me

Usually, I take awhile before I share any meditations with clients. That is because most meditation doesn’t work unless you dedicate your life to spiritual practices. You can sit for hours trying to breathe calmly and the next moment fly off on someone who cuts you...

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